Class of 2027

Assignment: All incoming ninth graders in the class of 2027 are required to read two (2) books over the course of the summer. An in-class essay exam will be administered in September. Each student is encouraged to bring one 3x5 index card with handwritten notes for each book to use during that assessment. No other notes will be permitted.


The Boy in the Striped Pajamas by John Boyne is required to be read by all students.


Slam by Walter Dean Myers.


A Girl Named Digit by Annabel Monaghan

Remember, for each book you read, prepare one 3x5 index card of notes (title, author, pertinent facts) which you will be permitted to use during the in-class essay assessment.


The following books are recommended. You may receive extra-credit for reading any of these (or any age-appropriate book of your choice) and completing a book report for each one you read. Each book report must include:

1. title and author

2. a brief summary (one-two paragraphs) of the plot or narrative

3. a detailed description (one paragraph) of two main characters

4. a detailed description (one-two paragraphs) of one specific event in the book that you found particularly memorable or interesting

King’s Cage (current trends) by V. Aveyard

Flame in the Mist (fantasy/science fiction) by R. Ahdieh

The Best We Could Do (graphic novel) by T. Bui

Overturned (mystery) by L. Giles

Code Girl: Gaming, Going Viral, and Getting it Done (non-fiction) by A. Gonzales

Exoplanets: Worlds Beyond Our Solar System (non-fiction) by K.L. Kenney

A Season of Daring (sports) by E.E. White